Wednesday, May 21, 2014

9Who's responsible for this?

Me, of course! I've done pieces in this class than I have in my Graphic Design class this semester! Everyday I learn more ways to incorporate my skill set into the skills I'm currently developing.  BTW, thanks for tip on using combinations of strokes in order to prep a logo for any background, Emil!

This happened

Then this. 

And these

I know what you're thinking
I share that sentiment 

Are you ready? I'm least I think I am

This has been one very informative semester.  Honestly, a majority of things that I learned in  CSG 110 can be applied to many other fields besides gaming.  Sort of a strategy guide to being efficient in life.  I can definitely see the things learned from audacity and agile development been recurring  themes in the near and distant future. In retrospect, I probably would've grown more facial hair.  I would look more distinguished. 

Final Limerick

Semester has come to an end
Summer's about to begin
Goals I move toward
As I look forward
To dev-ing this summer with friends

9SCRUM CAKE! Scrum-diddly-umptious!!!

It most definitely is and everyone should try a piece.  I've never seen anything quite as efficient and practical as Scrum.  I feel that I've used parts of scrum before learning about it.  Seriously, high value in a short amount of time? I'm a fat kid, so I see it as getting a 4-course meal from a 5-star restaurant in 6 minutes for $7.  Sounds good, right? I KNOW!!! Obviously, this being our first time doing this sort of thing, we failed spectacularly.  Fail faster is we want to do and that's exactly what we did.

The way that I've done things is dumb
I've actually been sort of a bum
I opened my eyes
And just realized
The worlds more efficient with scrum